茅ヶ崎の教会です!Bilingual church in Chigasaki!

礼拝再開について|Church Regathering

<English follows>

Ohana Churchの礼拝再開のガイドライン


しかし、余談は許せない状況の中でOhana Churchとして皆さんを守るためのガイドランインを策定し、段階的に通常礼拝に戻して行きたい考えております。




・Ohana Kidsについては7月は休止と致します



また、新しくOhana Churchにお越しになりたい方はお手数ですが
TEL: 050-5833-4743 (尾崎宅)

Ohana Church
Pastor Issaku

Guideline for Ohana Church Regathering

We had been worshiping online since March 15th, due to concerns of COVID-19, but we had been yearning to regather as a body of Christ.  Now that the State of Emergency in Japan has been lifted, we have made a guideline to make a step-by-step transition back to “normal.”  These guidelines are mainly based on what the country, Kanagawa prefecture, and the city of Chigasaki is recommending.  We appreciate your cooperation!


(Before Service)

  • Please stay at home if you are feeling unwell.
  • Please stay at home if you have been overseas in the past 2 weeks.
  • Please check your temperature before leaving the house, and stay home if you have a fever of 37.5℃ or higher.
  • We will check your temperature before entering the room.
  • Please sanitize your hands upon entering the room.
  • Please fill out your contact info. (We are required to by the venue we are using)
  • Please wear a facial mask.
  • Please bring your own beverages.
  • Please refrain from hugging or shaking hands.

(During Service)

  • The seats will be spaced out to keep social distance.
  • We will take step-by-step measures for worship singing.
  • We will not have Ohana Kids during July.

(After Service)

  • For awhile, we will have fellowship time for 10 minutes after service and disperse.
  • We will not have Communion or lunch fellowship for the time being.
  • We will not have live streaming from July 5th, but will upload the recorded service later in the day.

We will not disclose the location of service for July and August outwardly to have an idea of who is coming to church, but you are welcomed to join us. Please contact us for the location by Facebook Messenger, Contact Form, Email, or phone.

TEL: 050-5833-4743 (Ozaki’s)

Regular attenders will be notified by group messages.
Thank your for your understanding.

Ohana Church
Pastor Issaku and staff


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