茅ヶ崎の教会です!Bilingual church in Chigasaki!

4th Anniversary!


日時: 7月3日、11:00~
場所: 茅ヶ崎市民文化会館 大会議室(4F)

Aloha! We are celebrating our church’s 4th anniversary this Sunday, July 3rd🎉 God has been good😊 We were originally planning on having baptism at the beach on the same day, but there has been a surge in the number of Portuguese man of wars spotted on the beach so we decided to postpone until it’s safe. However, our service will start at a later time than usual at 11:00. We will have a pizza party🍕 after service, so come and join us!

Time: 11:00~
Place: Chigasaki Civic Hall Conference Room (4F)