茅ヶ崎の教会です!Bilingual church in Chigasaki!

ようこそ!Ohana Churchへ|Welcome to Ohana Church

「Ohana」という言葉はハワイ語で「家族」という意味で知られていますが、 実はそれ以上に深い意味があります。

昔、ハワイで移民が強制労働を虐げられていました。 その人々は喜びも希望もない人生を歩んでいました。 次第に同じ思いを持って共に働く仲間との関係が深くなっていきました。 そして、家族以上の信頼関係と絆が生まれていったのです。 その血縁関係の家族を超越した関係が「Ohana」という言葉の本当の意味なのです。

私たちOhana Churchは聖書のエペソ人への手紙2:19にあるように人種、性別、年齢に関わらずキリストに合って『神の家族』であり、愛し合い、赦しあい、 仕えあう教会であり、「Ohana」の言葉の通り、信頼関係と絆によって結び合わされる 共同体です。


こういうわけで、あなたがたは、もはや他国人でも寄留者でもなく、今は聖徒たちと同じ国民であり、神の家族なのです。 エペソ2:19


Ohana Church is a Protestant Christian Church based in Chigasaki city in Kanagawa, Japan.
“‘Ohana” is known as the Hawaiian word for “family,” but it actually has a deeper meaning than this.

In Hawaii, there was a time when many immigrants from all over the world came to work on plantations. It was a very difficult life for these immigrants, but between the workers grew a strong bond, eventually becoming a bond of trust that was stronger than family. This relationship of trust that is not limited to blood relations is the true meaning of “‘ohana.”

Ohana Church is a church that loves, forgives, and serves each other as “God’s family” in Christ, regardless of race, gender, and age as it says in Ephesians 2:19, and a community that is bond by trust as in the word “‘ohana.”

We welcome you as our ‘ohana!

So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family. Ephesians 2:19 (NLT)

As a church, we have joined the New Hope Japan Association as of January 2019. Under Pastor Talo Sataraka’s leadership in the association, Ohana Church will further our endeavor as a church in Chigasaki to glorify God.

Ohana Church is a Protestant Christian Church. We are not related to Jehovah’s Witness, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), or The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.