茅ヶ崎の教会です!Bilingual church in Chigasaki!

5th Anniversary!


パシフィック・リム クリスチャン カレッジ卒業。在学中は教会の賛美チームに属し多くのゴスペルシンガーと共演する中で経験を積む。
J-POP K-POPのジャンルを中心に数多くのアーティストへ楽曲を提供し、ライブコーラス歌唱、ボーカルディレクション、歌詞の英訳・和訳も行なっている。

Aloha! Did you know Ohana Church started 5 years ago on July 1, 2018? We are thankful to God for His faithfulness and grace throughout the years. Due to bookings of the venue we are going to celebrate our 5th anniversary on July 30th. Please mark your calendars and come with friends and family😊 We will be having a special guest singer, Lauren Horii, a Christian singer who is the daughter of evangelist, Arthur Holland, and she is well known for her Japanese translations of famous worship songs.
The service will be in the small hall of Chigasaki Civic Hall from 10 and we will be having a potluck party afterwards.